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HomeCFM and CFS Certifications

Certification Programs


The Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM®) certification is offered by the Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM).  For more information about the CFM certification, applying for the exam, studying for the exam and much more...visit the ASFPM website, or utilize the following links:

    CFM - Getting Certified

   Join ASFPM!

To see who near you is already CFM Certified, view the LIST OF CFMs

Exams are now offered digitally – see instructions here

You must register for the CFM Exam through the ASFPM  website:

CFM Bootcamp: 
ASFPM hosts a quarterly workshop for prospective CFMs who need more information about the program and how to become certified. This is a completely free, live virtual workshop where you’ll be able to learn more about preparing for the exam as well as ask questions about the process of getting and maintaining your certification. This course is geared toward anyone who is interested in becoming a CFM, whether or not you’ve already applied to take the exam. Our next CFM Bootcamp will be hosted on February 1, 2024. For more information and to register click here..


Certified Floodplain Surveyor (CFS) Program

This certification program educates surveyors on the forms and processes associated with floodplain properties and the submittal of Elevation Certificates. To become CFS certified, licensed surveyors must successfully complete the three-day certification seminar and exam. PDH's are awarded for the seminar; however no PDH credit is given for the exam. The specific topics covered in the course are: National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), FIRM Maps, NFIP Regulations and Elevation Certificates, Letters of Map Correction and Letters of Map Correction Processing. The State of Tennessee initiated the program in 2017.  The State of Tennessee NFIP Office in partnership with the Tennessee Association of Professional Surveyors (TAPS) offers this annual course for surveyors seeking to add this certification to their resume.

To see who near you is already CFS Certified, view the current list on the here.

Certified Floodplain Surveyor (CFS) Class

Click HERE for more information about upcoming classes.